Conceal v. Reveal

December 15, 2021
 Min Read

As a leader, do you conceal or reveal?

Let's take a minute to discuss getting candid. As leaders, it's increasingly easy to "conceal" our true thoughts in the workplace. Being candid can be hard, especially when revealing an honest opinion may cause conflict or hurt feelings. Sometimes it may feel like it's not worth it to share an opinion because you just know it'll just cause a rift or derail a project. We get it. However, we'd argue that the cost of concealing your candor is actually much higher than the cost of that bruised ego or conflict in the moment.

The Conscious Leadership Group argues that concealing ones candor can stop the best decision from being made, can create more work for an org, and can cost leaders creativity and energy. We can confidently say that we agree and have seen first hand how the fear of being candid can cost a leader. Luckily, there's a process that can help leaders become more conscious of how to use candor effectively but also kindly. See the Conscious Leadership Group's video sharing more here:

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